Pediatric Pulmonologist
Jose Antonio Gil
Since I was little, I dreamed of being a pediatrician because I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to a profession in which I could help others.
Twenty years ago, after finishing my medical studies at the University of Zaragoza, I returned home happy, because all my effort and sacrifice had paid off. I spent 4 intense years at the Son Dureta Maternity and Child Hospital, where I learned the basics of all the pediatrics I know. I was also lucky enough to train and specialize in pediatric pulmonology and allergy, which is a field that has allowed me to grow personally and professionally.
Today, as a member of the pediatric pulmonology and allergy unit at Son Espases University Hospital, I am dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of the main respiratory diseases in childhood, as well as the management of the most common allergic pathologies in children, whether respiratory, food or drug-related.
It is a real privilege to be interested in the problems of my young patients. There is nothing more rewarding than treating their pathologies and complications, having the ability to listen to the families and to know how to communicate the knowledge I have acquired over the years in the appropriate language.
In the Space that Jorge has created, I hope to have the opportunity to help “those crazy little ones” and their families in a more relaxed and personalized way with empathy and affection, since these are the 2 emotional aspects that make the care of the child and that of the adult different.
I couldn't be more proud to be part of this project.